Send all marriage offers here (preferably in triplicate)
God grant me the paitence to put up with my boyez (yes, and you too Madeleine) during the school year, and all of their junior shinannigans, serenity to accept the things I cannot change (such as iliuminati and Bokonon being one), courage to change the things I can (such as iluminati and Bokonon being one), and the wisdom to know the difference between the two of them. Amen.
This is my adopted pet, Pete. If you want to adopt a pet of your very own, go to the bottom of the page and
click on the banner ;)
Create a link to my page! I made a bunch of banners in my free time *hehehe* so please take one and link here! Wanna see the banners? Here they are..
I made a page of TwEaKeD pictures of Raye and Darien... if you love Sailor Moon, please check it out!! click here... ;)
She's just jealous.
Okay, i|uminati, about my dream world... it seems to me that you may be right.. I am living in my mind too much.. but at least I'm happy.
My favorite flower is the rose... I like the red ones... red is my favo˙˙˙˙˙˙˙rite color! I also love weapons (swords,
daggers, axes, and morning stars).
Anytime you see this sign... you know I was there. Now, despite what it looks like, it is not an "I love men" sign... (although I do not think they are all evil) but rather, the mars sign (yes, like the planet) but with a heart. And... naturally, it is on .
to land on my webpage since September 15, 1997! Don't you feel all warm and cuddly inside?