Heylo all you wierdos out there in PC land! My name is Sun Raye and I am a to be freshman at California State University, San Marcos. I have a disease that is called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (that all the educated types call SMA), which in other words means that even though I am too weak to walk, I can still put up one heck of a fight. *smile*
My hobbies include shopping, spending hours on end annoying post-pubescent incoming senior boys, chasing guys, playing the piano (more like CLANKING the piano), chasing boys, spend my time trying to get a job as a professional animator, chasing boys, obsessing about how some day Darien will run into my
life and go "Sunnie, you're the girl for me..", and did mention chasing boys?
I really don't chase boys... I have this natural ability to enter with every guy I've ever liked. *sigh* This guy (right here) is Bokonon, he is one of best friends. He is a really sweet guy, we love to spend time with each other, and he's always good for
a laugh. I don't know WHAT I would do without him always behind me... : ) The truth is, I really ought to put a shrine up for him thats as big as the
Darien one I have.. he certainly deserves it ^^ The other male best friend is i|uminati. iluminati is short, wiry and extremely bright. This is a picture of i|uminati and I
that I found... don't we look cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute?? *ack* *ack* It's that damn IRC... I tell you...
This is Moon Goddess, my kinda-sorta-sister. We spend lots of time together gossiping and spreading nasty
rumors about guys... Frankly, she usually whacks me in the back of the head when I start "obsessing" about guys too much (and it hurts a LOT too)... I
will admit it, sometimes I do need it =)